In the past, customer service was very different from now. Nowadays customer service is a new experience for customers. Let’s have a look at it.

Have you ever heard about customer service? We are pretty sure that you’ve bought things online at some point. Although sometimes we might feel that things don’t change and stay the same for a long time, little by little things change and we don’t even realise.

This is exactly what happened to customer service. Years ago, customer service was carried out by telephone or face-to-face and it was focused on solving the complaints or problems of the customers, in a friendly and quick way. And that’s it, nobody cared about anything else.

Now things have changed.

In a highly competitive environment, each contact with the customer is an opportunity to sell or, at least, to build loyalty. In addition to this, a greater number of communication channels (mainly Internet) have broadened customer service, and now it has been turned into something different, a wide world full of opportunities.

What is customer service 2.0?

Customer service 2.0 is a new way of placing the customers and their customer experience on top, this way the customer service is the most important value, and the use of technology and new communication channels is an essential element in order to provide the best possible service.

This concept, which is very wide, can be broken down into many aspects, which provide a different way of understanding customer service.

Getting to know all about the client

In customer service 2.0, the client is not that gentleman who is there behind the counter to bother you with his annoying problems. On the contrary, by getting to know the clients, we find out what he likes and his needs, and because he is there, it means that this is another opportunity to let him know that the company works to achieve his satisfaction. Remember: in customer service 2.0 the client is the centre of everything and every time a client gets in touch with you, it is an opportunity to build loyalty.

Personal experience

Once we know all about our client, it is time to offer a personalized experience. I cannot think of anything worse than being treated in a robotized way, as if you were just another human on this planet. With customer service 2.0 each person has to be carefully treated, the employees have to actually care about the clients and their needs and they have to make them feel different from the others. Therefore, previously non-existent concepts such as “customer experience” are now valuable.

New channels

It is one of the biggest differences from the traditional customer service. In the past, as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, there was only one counter. And, some phone rang once in a while. And that was it.

Nowadays, the customer service world extends through any kind of channel. Websites, contact forms, blogs, forums, email, social networks, chats, apps … The channels are limitless, this way companies have a closer relationship with customers.

However, it is not always easy to manage such a large number of channels. So we have to be careful, common sense and professionalism are essential when managing customer service.

It is now bidirectional

It is a logical consequence of everything we have mentioned above. The multiple communication channels and new tools that allow us to analyse the information provided by clients make communication useful in both senses. Now it is not only the companies that offer customers useful information to solve their problems, but also the companies themselves receive valuable information with the interactions in the customer service, which allows them to know relevant issues and what the customers like and their needs, and common problems and it also lets us know what measures could be taken to increase their satisfaction.

Viral things

It is the most desired and also the most feared word by marketing and customer service departments of loads of companies. The rise of social networks has ensured that any message can reach millions of people in hours. With a good image, it can generate hundreds or even thousands of new customers. If, on the contrary, the image is negative, then it can damage the digital reputation of the company.

It is one of the reasons why customer service 2.0 has become so relevant and has increased even more the importance of customer service for the future of companies. This way it provides the best possible service. Be careful with this! Watch out!


This could be for any aspect of the company, and also in customer service. In fact, it is one of the key elements to carry out our customer service duties effectively. This way with technology people won’t go crazy with their work when having loads of complaints from people

A customer service 2.0 requires technological tools, which can help provide a better service.

Do you want to find out the one that we use?

Pandora ITSM is a helpdesk software that, among other features, has an incident management system based on tickets that can help you manage the customer service of your company or organization.

In addition to this application, Pandora ITSM has other very interesting features, such as an inventory or a project manager, among others.

Don’t forget to leave some comment in the comment section down below if you’ve enjoyed this article, we are looking forward to hearing from you!
Do you know another type of customer service? What kind of customer service you provide? Do you think customer service 2.0 is a good idea? Is it making our lives a bit easier? We want to know! Let us know with your comments.

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