Demanding consumers: What do middle-aged consumers want?

A 20-year-old buyer is different from a 60-year-old buyer. We know that, right? The course of life changes our tastes, our needs, and even our economic capacity. Therefore, it could be said that young consumers and middle-aged and older demanding consumers live in different worlds.

Well, today we are going to talk about demanding consumers who are in an approximate age group between the ages of 50 and 70, those also known as senior demanding consumers’. Indeed, your grandparents (if you are very, very young), your parents or even yourself: what do buyers of this age look for in the market, how do they like to buy and what do they have in mind when it comes to buying? Let’s look at some tips and learn about their features…

– There are a lot of them

Just take a look at the statistics that show population pyramids. In many countries, people in their 50s and 70s are the largest group, which is a sign of their importance in the market. Maybe you should take a closer look at that part of it….

– They have a greater purchasing power

There may always be exceptions, but more often than not, senior demanding consumers have greater economic possibilities than young buyers. At a time in their lives when many of them are still working – and therefore generating income from their work – and have worked long enough to develop their careers to better paying jobs, senior demanding consumers often have more money in their pockets than those in other age groups.

However, this does not mean that they will throw their hard-earned money away on anything. Just the opposite. Let’s keep getting to know them.

– They’re demanding

In fact, having money does not mean wasting it. Senior demanding consumers often have extensive experience buying all kinds of products and services, and are often quite familiar with the market’s offerings, which will cause them to raise their standards high. Even if they have money, they won’t spend it madly, but they will look for quality and they won’t lose sight of the relationship between quality and price.

– Whims are allowed

Demanding Consumers in their 50s and 70s often find themselves at a stage where they feel the need to reward themselves for a long life of hard work. This, together with their economic capacity, will make them more willing to give themselves a treat from time to time. Travel, jewelry or high-end vehicles will be purchased at this age more frequently than any other age group, so if you are marketing this type of product you should take into account the characteristics of buyers in this age group.

– They have free time and they are selective

Although some of the senior buyers are still working, you have to bear in mind that another part of them – often those with greater economic capacity – will have already retired and will have plenty of free time. Another of the characteristics of this group of people will be that they have enough time to analyze the different options that the market offers them, and what do you obtain if you combine experience and time to analyze the different options? A selective consumer.

– They have their own needs

As we said earlier, it is not the same thing to be 20 as it is to be 60. Even if you can find exceptions, it will not be very common for you to find a senior consumer buying a scooter or jelly beans. Instead, they will have their own age-specific needs and interests and will direct their efforts towards meeting them. For example, products such as those related to health and fitness will be among their favorites. But not only these. Many “seniors” will also be interested in products that you wouldn’t think of at first glance, like all kinds of courses (at this age many people feel a renewed desire to learn different things).

– They’re connected

The myth of older people who do not know how to use the Internet is beginning to be a thing of the past. As network usage spreads and connection devices (especially mobile phones) become simpler, more and more people of all ages are using the network for all kinds of tasks, including shopping and finding out about all kinds of products. To think that being in your 60s or 70s means that you don’t know how to use the Internet and therefore that you have an excuse to forget about this age group in your digital strategy is a mistake – are you making this mistake?

– They demand excellent customer service

If we can say that one of the main characteristics of the senior consumer is that he or she is a demanding consumer, what makes you think it will be different when it comes to customer service?

The 50- to 70-year-old consumer expects exquisite, fast and effective customer service. He or she wants to address his or her problems efficiently, without hassles, without delays, and by being treated with respect and kindness by people who treat him or her with respect. If you provide this service or work in a company that offers it, you will know that it is not always easy to achieve.

Customer service requires effort, a very professional team, a good structure and tools that can make the job easier.

Did you start crying in the corner, thinking about your future? It’s no big deal! And also, if you want to see which tools can help you, you can take a look at Pandora ITSM.

Pandora ITSM is a software that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that is capable of helping with the management of customer service in companies and organizations.

Do you want to know what the Pandora ITSM help desk tool can do for you? Click here:

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