Is there anything better for a company than having good customers?

Seriously, it’s not a rhetorical question. Is there anything better? There might be. There is, actually! The best thing is to turn those good customers into your best advocates for your brand.

But the truth is that it is not easy to achieve this. It requires offering a good product, ensuring customer satisfaction and carrying out certain actions to encourage customers to recommend your brand. However, if you do, the benefit will be significant, as you will obtain great advocates for your company.

Why is it such a good thing to turn your customers into advocates?

There are several types of advocates. In general, an advocate is a person who has enough influence to have an influence on a considerable number of people.

However, we can also include other types of clients as advocates, such as those who share the benefits of our brand with family, friends and acquaintances without necessarily reaching a large number of people. Any positive feedback is greatly appreciated, and it is important to take care of all our customers, regardless of whether their opinion reaches thousands of people or a smaller group.

The fact that a client may become an advocate offers multiple benefits. First of all, it is taken for granted that if you have become a brand advocate then you are a loyal customer, with all the benefits that this implies. But that’ s not all.

In addition, the advocates are an excellent way of advertising, or don’t you think it’s a good way to make yourself known to a customer who has tried your products and, in an honest way, strongly promotes them?

Remember that, today, customer opinions are more important than ever. Most consumers seek information – especially on the Internet – about products before purchasing them, so positive feedback can be of great value.

How can we turn clients into advocates?

There is no doubt that the best way to turn a customer into an advocate is to offer them a top quality product or service. This way, by doing a good job, the advocates will be naturally generated little by little.

But you can also take some actions to reinforce your work and encourage your customers to feel more encouraged to communicate the benefits of your brand. Let’s have a look at some ideas.

– Become a lovemark

It’s not easy to achieve, but if you do, you’ll have a big road covered. “Lovemarks” are those brands that are able to convey a number of values that people can identify with, to the point of “falling in love” with the brand.

Hardly any other way is as effective in getting advocates as becoming a lovemark. But remember that achieving that status is not easy. Do a good job, define the values that represent you, take care of your clients and you will be closer to reaching their hearts.

– Interact with your customers

As human beings, we all like to be surrounded by people.

And the same thing goes for a company’s customers. The cold wall we used to face when dealing with companies in the past is a thing of the past; today, the communication channels between a brand and its customers are multiple and offer all kinds of possibilities. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of them to generate links.

Social networks, blogs, apps… There are many ways to build bridges between a company and its users. But if you do, don’t stay on the surface. It is not enough to have a profile on a social network or create an app. The actions you take to get closer to your customers should bring real value to improve – at least a little – their lives.

If you do that, they’ll love you more. And they will speak better of you….

– Offer the best service to the customer

This is one of the defining moments in the relationship between a company and its users.

Since the relationship with customer service can be the difference between a lost customer and a customer who becomes an advocate. After all, it is the time when the company must meet the customer’s needs with the greatest enthusiasm. And it must also do so in a direct way, through personal treatment in which factors such as efficiency, diligence, kindness or good organisation are key.

Have you ever read on social networks or opinion pages about users’ experiences with a company’s customer support services?

And so far we’ve looked at some ideas that might help you turn some of your customers into brand advocates – do you want to find out more?

As we have already mentioned, good customer service is a key factor in keeping users satisfied. But achieving this goal is not always easy, and often requires a lot of dedication, good organization and a very professional team with the right tools.

Luckily, there are now some technological tools that can help you with such an important task. And one of them is Pandora ITSM.

Pandora ITSM is software that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that can help in the management of customer service in a company.

Do you want to learn more about what the Pandora ITSM helpdesk tool can do for you? Click here:

Or you can also send us any questions you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this using the contact form at the following address:

The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!

What do you think of this article on how to turn your clients into your best advocates? Now that you’ ve got the tools to achieve this, make sure you try this out.

And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section at the bottom of this article, we want to hear from you, we also have other similar articles posted on this blog, so make sure you check them out.
