Do you want to provide good customer care? Do you actually know how to achieve this? You need to be clear about what your priorities are when talking to your clients. Do you know that it is better to treat them politely than to insult them and kick them? Okay, you already knew this, well then that’s a good start.

A customer is the most important thing for your business. If you don’t keep this in mind, it’s very likely that you will have problems. Today we are going to see some basic principles when dealing with clients. We hope this will help you.

1- The customer is the most important thing.

Ok, we have already told you this, but it’s so basic that you really need to keep this in mind. The objective of your company (besides making money) is to satisfy the needs of your clients. Bear in mind that if you didn’t have any clients, you would have to shut down your business. So you’d better give them credit, they deserve it.

2- The customer is always right.

Let’s see, well, they are not always right, but you don’t have to tell them all the time. And keep in mind that it doesn’t matter if they are right or not, what you need to do is to find a solution to their problems. So, even if you know they’re wrong, you don’t have to spend hours telling them this, remember to focus on finding a solution.

3- Each client is different.

Remember this. We are not coffee machines; we don’t come out from a factory. The statement “each person is different” is just the truth: not everyone behaves in the same way, people have their own features, personality, and their own experiences that set them apart, etc. Don’t forget to remember that your customers are people.

4- In order to provide good customer care, first you need to get to know your customers.

Mainly, because each person is different, so by getting to know them you will positively stand out. If you know how your customers are and what they need, then it will be much easier for you to solve their problems. In order to achieve this, the best way is to ask them how you can help them, what they like about your product and what they don’t, etc. And that leads us to the next principle.

5- Listen to your customers.

If you don’t listen to your clients, you will make a huge mistake. Either because you find yourself in a hurry or because you think that the clients don’t know what they really want. Whatever the reason, we believe that we know better what customers need, even better than them. Just for a moment, listen to them. If you try to understand what they really want then part of the problem will be solved.

6- The client must be satisfied.

It is another very basic principle. Customers have their own needs, and we must strive to satisfy them. Now, remember that satisfaction is a subjective concept. That solution that you have offered to one client, might not work for another. That is why it is so important to get to know your clients and listen to them

7- Treat your clients they way you’d like to be treated.

Empathy is one of the most praiseworthy and useful values ​​available to human beings. If you are able to put yourself in your customer’s shoes then, your business will improve. Of course, remember that, even if you do, it will be you who will be putting yourself in your customer’s shoes, and your way of thinking might not match the enormous diversity of clients you can have, so put yourself in their shoes and, imagine how you would like to be treated, but also remember that it is possible that not all customers share your same feelings.

8- Take care of your employees and your customers.

Your team is essential, without a good team, you will not be able to get anywhere (if you have some experience, I’m pretty sure you already know this). But in addition to this, you should know that if you treat your employees properly, then they will treat your customers the same way, which means good customer care. You cannot compare a happy, motivated and rested employee with a sad, apathetic and exhausted one. Give them reasons to be happy and your customers will benefit from it.

9- You need to be diligent for customer care.

When a client gets in touch with you, it will be due to a problem. So do not forget that your main task is to solve it. Get down to work and keep in mind that if the solution takes too long to arrive, then it might not be worthy.

10- In customer care, you need to be positive.

Having an optimistic attitude with your clients will not only help you solve your problems as soon as possible, but it will make them understand that there is a remedy and that you are going to get down to work to solve these problems. Do not forget to transmit that positivity to them.

11- Be kind and polite with you customers.

This is a basic principle that we should apply in any area of ​​our lives, but in customer care, this is essential. It doesn’t matter the attitude of the customer, even if they get nervous, aggressive, or even if they insult you, don’t give up. Keep calm and answer politely.

12- Be honest; only promise what you can deliver.

You should only think about solving the problems of your customers, but if they ask you for something that you cannot provide, be honest and tell them clearly. It will always be better to admit this in time than to deceive them and get yourself into trouble

13- Provide your customers with the right tools to work.

No one would ask a butcher to cut meat with a normal fork, since this is not the right tool to perform his/her job well. In order to provide good customer care, it is essential to have the proper tools for this. In the 21st century there are already computer programs that can help you. Do you know Pandora ITSM? In addition to other features, Pandora ITSM includes an incident management system based on tickets that can be of great help in order to improve customer care. Find out more about Pandora ITSM, here:

If you keep in mind these 13 principles, then there’s a pretty good chance that your customers will stay with you for a long time. Take a look at Pandora ITSM, you may like it. And do remember this: kicking is not allowed.
